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Let's Learn How to Play TIMANG BURUNG (PECAH)

Updated: Sep 30, 2020

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How to Play Timang Burung (Pecah) with Gendang

Let's watch how the full song is performed by Sanggar Kirana...

Timang Burung Music Sheet

Song background

This song is inspired by Hikayat Panji Semirang. It evokes the lovers’ tale of Raden Galuh Chendera Kirana and Raden Inu Karpati. Having run away from the royal palace, Chendera Kirana, alone and dejected, takes a breather in the forest. Thinking of her lost love, she plays with her beloved pet bird that can dance.

In the Joget Gamelan Timang Burung, every movement emulates the graceful movement of a bird in flight or at rest, exuding simple joy and serenity.

How to Play the Gendang in real life

The simple way to play gendang is to hit with the palm of your hand. The parts that are smacked are the right and left sides made of animal skin.

There are some basic techniques you can do to be able to produce a beautiful sound from Gendang. Here are the techniques:

  1. Sit as comfortably as possible and place the Gendang in front of you.

  2. Make sure your hand can reach the drum properly and without exerting too much force.

  3. Relax, take a deep breath, and release all the tension in your body. This is because tension can affect the rhythm of the strokes to be played. Consequently, the resulting sound can feel messy. Try making one beat at a time first.

  4. It is recommended you use your dominant hand to hit the large part of the Gendang that produces the “bum” sound, while using your non-dominant hand to hit the small part of Gendang to produce the “tak” sound.

  5. Once you get used to it, try making sounds by alternating the right and left tapping. Do not hit them at the same time, as this causes a strange and unsettling sound.

  6. For beginners, you can try to hit it to a slow tempo by following your gut feelings.

  7. Over time, your hands will get used to moving fast so they can produce more notes and beautiful sounds.

Playing Gendang with these described techniques requires a lot of practice. It is not meant to be learned from simply playing once or twice. So, good luck in mastering this cool musical instrument! Your patience and perserverance will be rewarded handsomely by your Gendang.

Understanding Basic Gendang Notation and Pattern

Traditional Pattern :

This pattern will be used in mostly of traditional Malay gamelan until the last line of the song.

Also note that : bum=b, tak=t

Closed Pattern ( Pattern Tutup ) :

This pattern will usually be played at the last line of any traditional Gamelan Melayu song to alert other players or dancers that the song is at its end.

Also note that : bum=b, tak=t

Buka Lagu

A typical gamelan song will dedicate an opening phrase called “Buka Lagu”. In this context, the whole phrase as highlighted with green lines are the Buka Lagu of the Timang Burung. Buka Lagu serves as an opening excerpt to initiate the song. Unlike other ensembles, in traditional songs for Gamelan Melayu, the song will typically begin with either Bonang or Gambang playing the Buka Lagu of the song in solo. For gendang, we going to play at the last column of the last line.

Buka lagu for Gendang :

Also note that : bum=b, tak=t

Playing the full song of Timang Burung with metronome (bpm = 80) and other instruments

Timang Burung Tutorial Video

Now let's watch the tutorial on how to play Timang Burung on Gendang.

(please note that the video used for Lesson B's Timang Burung is the same as Lesson A's)

The link for the full syllabus playlist can be found here.


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