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The concept of "Turun Gambang" and How To Play LAMBANG SARI

Updated: Sep 30, 2020

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How to Play Lambang Sari with Saron

Let's watch how the full song is performed by Sanggar Kirana...

Lambang Sari Music Sheet

Song Background

This serene song portrays the scene and joyful moments of a group of princesses catching fish at a beach. This song is usually accompanied by a dance where the dance movements emulate the action of a person rowing, as well as carrying and throwing a fishing net.

Getting to know Quaver

Quaver is a musical note played for one eighth the duration of a whole note (semibreve), hence the name. This amounts to twice the value of the sixteenth note (semiquaver). How many beats are in quaver? Semibreve (or whole note) - a note worth 4 crotchet beats. Minim (or half note) - a note worth 2 crotchet beats. Crotchet (or quarter note) - a note usually worth 1 beat. Quaver (or eighth note) - a note worth a half a crotchet beat.

These are the rhythm notation in music score, meanwhile in our song it refers to half rest for quaver which contain on-beat and up-beat. As you can see in the 3rd until 5th line contain one quaver.

Getting to know "Turun Gambang"

Turun Gambang exists in several songs of Gamelan Melayu. It has no specific definition as traditional Gamelan Melayu songs will be played repeatedly and will be ended with Turun Gambang or a technique called ‘cincang’. But in this lesson, our focus is on Turun Gambang. In traditional Gamelan Melayu songs, every song has its own story. This Turun Gambang technique is played when the story is at its climax or when the story is shifting to a different tone or ambience.

The notations will be totally changed and the instruments that highlight this event are Bonang and Gambang. These two instruments will play an improvisation of the original notes. This is known as ‘bunga’. For the song Lambang Sari, the climax part in the story is when a princess suddenly catches a fish and the other princesses feel very excited in that moment. This is when Turun Gambang should be played according to the storyline.

Playing Lambang Sari with Saron

Playing line by line.

1st Line

2nd Line

3rd Line

4th Line

5th Line

6th Line ( last line )

Playing the full song with and without a metronome ( bpm = 80 )

Lambang Sari Tutorial Video

Now let's watch the tutorial on how to play Lambang Sari on Bonang.

The link for the full syllabus playlist can be found here.



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